Thursday, June 8, 2017

Class Evaluation

1. There are many things that I enjoyed about the class room. I liked that a lot of the lessons are hands on and that it involves a lot of collaboration with others. 


3.I think getting more into depth with the lessons wouldn't hurt, because some students need a bit more explanation than others. 

4.Just being able to have taken the class and get a peak at this area was enough. Coding is not simple for m and to know that there are people who do this for a living is very impressive. 

5.I tried as much as I could in this class. I feel like there were times when I could have dine a bit better but overall I feel like I gave it my all.

6. There are some days when I do read my journal but it's not everyday. I forget to read it mainly because it's not in sight and I have other stuff to do, but when I do go back and read it I want to add new goals.

7. I want to be a CTR person and I know that it's not always going to be easy because there are always many temptations along the way but I will try to overcome them. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


It’s almost always hot here in California. Thankfully scientist came up with an innovation to help keep us cool without using a fan an air conditioner. Heating and cooling spaces take up 12.3 percent of total energy consumption in the U.S. This new innovation helps keep you cool without having to use any of these energy consuming products. Researchers have engineered a new plastic material that could be used for clothing and will help the wearer cool off. What’s good about this innovation is that is can reduce a lot high energy costing products. This innovation is really eco-friendly and can help a lot in places where it is really hot.

Monday, October 17, 2016


The Jwelbot is a bracelet that can be used to symbolize your friendship with one of your closest friends and also teach you to code. Friendship bracelets have been around for many years and it doesn't seem like they'll go away any time soon. This new bracelet can be worn with up to eight friends. The bracelet will light up when one of the friends is near by and the group can send each other secret messages through lights and vibrations. The Jewlbot can also be paired with a smartphone app. the Jwelbot uses rudimentary coding that allows the girl to do almost anything. It even connects to other networks to extend the kids reach and for those parents who are always concerned about they're child it also allows for the child to send a message if the child is feeling unsafe. This is a great innovation because kids can learn to code from an early age which can be of great use in  the future. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ben Carson

Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon. He graduated from Yale University and the University of Michigan Medical School. He has wrote many books about his medical career and political stances. From 1984 to 2013 he was  the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins Hospital in Maryland. At age 33 he became the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery and has received more than 60 honorary doctorate degrees. Although he came from a very poor family it is amazing to see the individual he became. and as he says "poverty is a choice." Anyone can become anything, if they work hard for it. Education is the key and everyone has the choice. 

Monday, October 10, 2016


Cell phones. Even though they have been around for a while now, cell phones have gone though many changes. From the old just at home telephone to the new new small portable ones. Every year cellphones are just getting faster and faster. Of course that also means they're getting more and more expensive. Just a few weeks ago everyone was talking about the new iPhone 7 that came out. Cell phones have been one of the best innovations because they help people in their everyday life. Although cellphones are great and very useful people do seem to rely on them to much.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Kitchen Safe

The kitchen safe is a container that keeps any snack or item that may fit in there for as long as you want. This product started to keep snack out of kids reach for a period of time, but it has now moves on to electronics. I think this is a great innovation because when it comes to food and snacks a lot of us have weak-will. I think with this innovations a person can learn how to be patient and also feel good about themselves for waiting the amount of time. This innovations can teach children how good it feels to get their reward after having waited for it.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Roger Bannister

Roger Bannister is a former middle-distance athlete who ran the first sub-four-minute mile. Everyone around him said that running a four minute mile would be impossible, but this did not stop Bannister. On May 6,1954 he achieved his goal of running the mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds. This shows his Arate attitude and it proves that just because someone says something doesn't mean that it's true. We must never give up on a dream just because someone tells us that it's impossible. We just need to work hard and stay dedicated because if we truly want to achieve something we can make it.