Thursday, September 29, 2016

Roger Bannister

Roger Bannister is a former middle-distance athlete who ran the first sub-four-minute mile. Everyone around him said that running a four minute mile would be impossible, but this did not stop Bannister. On May 6,1954 he achieved his goal of running the mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds. This shows his Arate attitude and it proves that just because someone says something doesn't mean that it's true. We must never give up on a dream just because someone tells us that it's impossible. We just need to work hard and stay dedicated because if we truly want to achieve something we can make it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Raindrop Presbyopic Inlay

The raindrop inlay is designed for people between the ages of 41-65. This new innovation is for people who are losing the near sighted vision. As we age our natural eye lens becomes hard and makes it hard for us to focus on anything near us. To implant the device, the doctor will create a flap on the cornea and place the raindrop there. Once he has put the raindrop there he will seal the cornea back up. This innovation is a real improvement, with this new innovation a lot of people will not need glasses anymore. In the near future glasses won't be made anymore all because of this new innovation.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Mikaele Oloa

Mikaele Oloa is a fire-knife master. At the age of 15 he won World Fireknife Champion, making him the youngest competitor to ever win. He began training with his father at the age of 5! That is really amazing, he has been practicing this since he was 5, that really shows a person that he didn't get to be the wold champion by luck. Oloa had worked long and hard for his reward, he has put so much passion and dedication to his work. Seeing how long and hard he's worked it doesn't surprise me that he has been the World Fireknife Champion for 5 years in a row. This Arate person shows that the road to success takes years and even though at times it might seem hard we must never give up. He also shows that if we have a great passion for something we must not hesitate to go for it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


The Lock8 is a bike lock to ensure your bike never gets stolen again. The Lock8 uses and app to be unlocked. It will also send a alarm to your phone when it senses any type of burglary. I think is great innovation, is this type of lock can be invented for a bike imagine the other types of locks that can be invented. What I really like about this new lock is that it uses an app and it's connected to our phones which everyone has and uses. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Nathan Sawaya

 Sawaya is a American-based artist who creates three-dimensional sculptors using the LEGO blocks. He left his job as an attorney to work for the LEGO Company, but whit-in six moths of working there he left and opened his own art studio in New York. His great creations have gone very far and have captured every ones eyes. Even the LEGO Company made him a LEGO Certified Professional, he is also a LEGO Master Builder and is the only person with those two tittles. In my opinion I think it took a lot of courage for him to leave his job as an attorney and become an artist. His work is amazing and it really shows that in order to make something happen you have to just go and take a leap of faith. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Meccanoid G15 KS

The Meccanoid G15 is the smartest DIY bot to some out from a box. This kit has hundreds of part that a anyone can reassemble into many different forms. This Meccanoid is about four feet tall, has more than 1,200 parts, 8 servos, 2 motors and has a coast of $400. Once the Meccanoid is assembled it can crack jokes, respond to voice command and can be programmed with certain moves. The Meccano’s parts are made from plastic so it will not hurt anyone if it tips over. These fantastic Meccano’s will expand your creativity and get your imagination running. This innovation shows just how much technology is expanding and just how much technology will continue to expand. It's so amazing to see just how scientist can create robots that are becoming more interactive with people.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Blown to Bits Chapter 2

There are half a million cameras in London. The cameras around London are the most effective technology for tracking. Cellphones keep track of who they call and where they call from. Credit card companies know where you sent your money and what you spent your money on as well. Almost nothing in the web is private anymore, the explosive growth of technology has altered what we believe should be private anymore. In the electronic world we leave digital fingerprints such as data trails. There are many websites where you can watch what is happening in that moment! A GPS will locate wherever you are on earth. This can come in handy when getting lost or looking for a criminal. All the technology around so us keeps track of everything that we do, there's no escaping from it. Everything in the digital world is also connected to one another although we may not always see the connection, it is there. Technology has not stolen our privacy, we have given it ourselves. Sites know who we are because we tel them, also the sites keep track of who visits the them and they have our IP Address. Big Brother is always watching us and for those who have nothing to hide, there is nothing wrong with it. Besides this is the what it has come to, we have given up our privacy but to the price that we have the whole world in our hand.

Alex Hattori


  •   2nd Place at the World Yo-Yo Contest - 3A
  •   1st Place at the US Nationals - 3A 


  • 1st Place at the US Nationals 
  • 4th Place at the West Coast Yo-Yo Championships 
  • 1st Place at the West Coast Yo-Yo Championships 
  • 7th Place at the World Yo-Yo Contest 
  • 2nd Place at the Duncan International Yo-Yo Championships 
  • 1st Place at the California State Yo-Yo Championships 


  • 1st Place at the US Nationals 
  • 1st Place at the Southwest Regionals 
  • 1st Place at the Northeast Regionals 
  • 4th Place at the World Yo-yo Contest 
  • 2nd Place at Southern California 


  • 1st Place at the Bay Area Classic 
  • 1st Place at California States
  • 1st Place at the Southern California Championships
  • 2nd Place at the Southwest Regionals


  • 2nd Place at the Us Nationals
  • 1st Place at the Southwest Regionals
  • 2nd Place at the World Yo-yo Contest 
  • 1st Place at the Bay Area Classic 
  • Most Inspirational Player - US Nationals

  • Junior National Champion - US Nationals

At such a young age Alex Hattori shows us where hard work, determination and a passion for something will get us. Not even an adult yet an he has already earned all of there achievements. You can tell by the number of awards that this young man has work hard and has had many years of practice with the yo-yo. Someone isn't just that good in something you have to practice and practice in order to get that good. You also have to be patient because the road to success is never an easy one. His performance shows just how much practice he has put into the yo-yo. What I can learn from him is that, being good at something takes time and determination. It teaches me that I have to really practice and take my time learning ANYTHING because it may not always be fun doing something hard, but if we just gave up we wouldn't get anywhere. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Reusable Rockets

At the end of 2015 Space X and Blue Origin showed how to return rockets back into the Earth after being used. This can be very useful for space exploration, and it would save a lot of fuel and save a lot of coast. I think this innovation will be really useful because it will save a lot of money and allow newer and better space exploration to occur. All the new things that can be discovered since scientist would be able to reuse rockets. There would be more rocket launches and maybe even a newer innovation that will come because of the reusable rockets.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Carl & Margret Karcher

Carl Karcher was a businessman who founded the Carl’s Jr. Restaurant chain. He died on January 11, 2008 at the age of 90, his restaurants are now owned by the CKE Restaurants Company. His first business was a hot dog stand, on July 17, 1941, they began by selling hot dogs and Mexican tamales. Then on his 28th birthday they opened their first restaurant in 1945 called the Carl’s Drive-In Barbecue, in Anaheim. He is a very hardworking man, you can see how hard this man must have worked in order to turn his hot dog stand into the chain of restaurant that it is now. He was the CEO of his company but got voted off because he didn’t agree with the commercial ideas his company wanted to do. He was a Christian who stood by his principles even if it meant losing his company. This shows that he will rather stand alone and keep doing good than stand with other who are doing bad.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

“Computing enables innovations in nearly every field.”

The “octobot” is new innovations. It is the first robot that is made entirely of soft parts. It is made of silicone rubber and is about 2.5 inches wide and long. What so great about this new robot is that it doesn’t need batteries or wires, it runs on a liquid fuel. The soft parts of the robot make it easier for it adapt to some environments unlike rigid machines. This robot can lead to autonomous robots that will have the ability to sense their surroundings and interact with people! Since conventional robots are made from rigid material the new soft material from the octobot will allow new robots to more past obstacles better and it won’t make them vulnerable to scraps, falls and bumps.  The designs for the octobot were inspired by octopuses, starfish and worms.